K has been on a suite of drugs off and on since we started our fertility  journey 16 months ago. From injections and inhalants to pills and insertions, K has done it all. From Clomid, Bromocriptine and Chorionic Gonadtropin to Menopur, Puragon, Lupron and Orgalutran to Suprefact, Estrace and the dreaded Prometrium (each of them sound like sci-fi planetary systems), K's system has been regulated, controlled, similated, hyperstimulated and shut down completely.

The first ultrasound is amazeballs! I wasn't sure what I was expecting but nothing could prepare me for the power of seeing our baby (who is called Darwintoo and considered a girl for now) for the first time. And that heartbeat brought me to tears (and is again as I write this :)). Both K and I found ourselves uttering very obvious things like "there's a baby in there"! I wasn't even that eloquent but at least I didn't go into sci-fi because I was definitely thinking about Aliens.

Today is our first ultrasound. If all goes well we should find out if we have one, two, three, four (or more!) babies on the go!

We debated whether or not to put in two embryos. I was concerned for K's health (she has injured her back in the past) any the babies' health and, between you and me, am a little scared of two babies (let alone two babies all at once!). We went with two to increase our odds of getting pregnant, especially given the journey (emotional and physical) that this has been. Note: a recent study suggests that our logic on that isn't entirely sound.

I haven't purchased a Slurpee in about 15 years! Two days ago I got a series of texts requesting one. "I really want one! :)"

So, I found myself in Mac's (which actually calls them Frosters) contemplating whether a bucket-sized container of ice and syrup would be enough. We shall see how long this craving lasts.
I desire
And I crave
~Fragment 10; translated by Julia Dubnoff
They say that pregnant women experience vivid dreams. This seems to be a function of funky hormones as well as better dream recall due to frequent waking (if the baby moves or the bladder calls).

Moments after we got the phone call from the fertility clinic, I put on the Creed song With Arms Wide Open  and we cried. :) 

Now, every time I think about our baby, I get the song in my head! 
"With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open
Now everything has changed
I'll show you love
I'll show you everything"

I am certainly not ready for this but my arms are wide open and so is my heart. I can only do my best to ensure that my child always greets the world with love in her heart.
Some say thronging cavalry, 
some say foot soldiers,
others call a fleet 
the most beautiful of sights 
the dark earth offers, 
but I say it’s whatever 
you love best.

Fragment 16