Darwintoo/Stormageddon/StormyD no longer...
Cool boys wear pink!
It is my true pleasure to introduce our beautiful son: Carrick Tyler Duffy  
(click for pronunciation and meaning)
(Carrick for my mom's farm Carrigdangan; Tyler for Kay's maternal grandma's maiden name)
Born: February 11, 2014 at 8:11pm
Gestational Age: 33 weeks +5 days
Birth Weight: 4 pounds 2 ounces
Length: 17.3 inches
Time needed in the NICU: two weeks or so
Awesomeness: Off the charts!!
My wife is also a rock star.
- oh it
puts the heart in my chest on wings
for when I look at you, even a moment,
~Fragment 31 trans by Anne Carson

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