Who knows what criteria we should be using to pick an OB? I sure don't! I read some reviews online but I'm pretty certain that most people on Rate MDs are disgruntled so the bias might be a little skewed (in general, the gruntled are not too motivated to post).

In the end we chose based on which hospital looked like a winner from its online tour (cuz it is very likely that some other doc will be on call when we deliver, anyway) and on a recommendation from K's co-worker's-sister-who-is-an-OB-on-mat-leave.

We got to meet our new doc today and she is friendly and efficient! Most importantly, we got to see Darwintoo again (although she is tough to make out in that wee pic)!
What my heart most hopes will
happen, make happen; you your-
self join forces on my side!
~Prayer to Our Lady of Paphos; trans lated by Barnard

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