K has been on a suite of drugs off and on since we started our fertility  journey 16 months ago. From injections and inhalants to pills and insertions, K has done it all. From Clomid, Bromocriptine and Chorionic Gonadtropin to Menopur, Puragon, Lupron and Orgalutran to Suprefact, Estrace and the dreaded Prometrium (each of them sound like sci-fi planetary systems), K's system has been regulated, controlled, similated, hyperstimulated and shut down completely.
Each drug them had its own special side-effect and K is one of those lucky gals for whom side-effect warnings were made. :) Nothing dangerous happened but if the drug said it might make her emotional or less pleased with life, it did. I would suggest that the worst was probably the Lupron that overstimulated her body for the egg retrieval.

As of yesterday, she is drug-free! Other than the prenatal vitamins and folic acid, whch she'll do for two more weeks, she is clean and sober! :) Now K's body will take over providing for Darwintoo all on its own. Game on!
Drugs don't seem to come up in Sappho's repertoire. :)
Instead, click above to enjoy one of my favourite childhood PSAs!!

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